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The Star Music Shop

Mapex SONIClear L-Rod Tom Holder TH800EB - Black

Mapex SONIClear L-Rod Tom Holder TH800EB - Black


Mapex SONIClear tom holders offer solid support without stealing precious real estate from your setup or leaching tone from your drums

Mapex SONIClear Tom Holder Features:

Neatly mounts a tom or auxiliary snare to a spare stand

Low profile won't create eyesores or hog your setup space

Integrated spring-loaded clamp fits stands 5/8 inches to 1-1/4 inches

Omni-ball arm adjuster positions drum right where you need them

Memory screw lets you dial in a custom stand fit

11mm hexagonal tom arm

Finish: black

Regular price $34.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $34.99 USD
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